World Migratory Bird Day Event 2018 – Mongolia

Mongolian World Migratory Bird Day 2018 ©Mongolian Ornithological Society


Event title:
World Migratory Bird Day Event 2018

Ministry of Environment and Tourism Mongolian, Mongolian Ornithological Society

East – Asian Australasian Flway Partnership (EAAFP) – 2018 WMBD Small Grant Programme
Clean energy LLC, Administration of the Buuntsagaan-Orog Basin and Mongolica Co.Ltd

418 people including students from schools/university, teachers or parents, researchers, scientists, birdwatchers, and site managers for flyway site and wetlands

-Hosting “Migratory Bird Day 2018” art contest between 9 th grades students from 58 th, 71nd (in Ulaanbaatar) and 7th of T. Bor and Dream 6th (in Umnugobi province, Tsogtsetsii soum) schools.
-A field trip of participants by Environment Tourism Department in Bayankhongor province, Honkhor Photographic Association, teacher and Eco clubs students in Baatsagaan Soum, Jinst Soum, and Bogd Soum.
-Provided latest-updated news and information on migratory birds to the particiants
-Education on participants about a comprehensive understanding and training on field trips, using research equipment, reading guide books, visit artwork and photography exhibitions, watch documentaries and visit museums.
-One of the most notable accomplishments from the event was seeing parents enjoy a fun-filled weekend with their children while learning about nature conservation.

With slogan,“ Unifying our voices for Birds conservation” this year WMBD was celebrated by Mongolian Ornithological Society and Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia with financial support from EAAFP, Clean Energy LLC, Administration of the Buuntsagaan-Orog Basin and Mongolica Co.Ltd on 27 April, 08 and 12 May, 2018.

The event consist of several contents including bird identification training, birding activities, lectures and art contest. We gave introductory presentations on migratory birds at each school (once for each group at each school, twice total at each school) before announcing the competition criteria.

  •  An Art Contest-Migratory birds 2018 (Part-1:Ulaanbaatar), G. Yusun-Erdene, student at 58th school, won first place, 58th school students Ulzii-Uchral, Shine-Od takes second place, 58th school students M. Lkhagva-Erdene takes third place.
  • An Art Contest-Migratory birds 2018 (Part-2: Umnugobi), B. Narangarav, student at 6th school (Dream), won first place, 7th school (T.Bor) students T. Bat-Erdene takes second place, 6th school (Dream) students D. Undarmaa takes third place.

The artwork competition among high school students was organized with the collaboration and in accordance with permission granted by the school principal and teachers. The artwork competition instills nature appreciation in children and allows students to got a better understanding of not only birds, but the environment and the living organisms inhabiting and benefitting from the nature.

Birdwatching trip was organized to Nogoon Lake in outskirts of Ulaanbaatar and near Lake of Umnugobi, Buuntsagaan lake of Bayankhongor with a group of about more than 410 participants from secondary schools, universities, local NGOs, tour companies and government. Lectures and seminars about migratory birds and their conservation activities were given to the participants in the Freshwater Resources and Nature Conservation Center. After lunch, participants enjoyed exhibition of artworks from the Migratory Birds Art Contest.


For more photographs, visit our Flickr album.

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