Bangladesh Government published “Migratory Birds in Bangladesh and East Asian-Australasian Flyway Network Sites”

Full book cover © Bangladesh Forest Department

Bangladesh is occupying a unique geographical location in South Asia. The country with its vast wetlands-about 6.8 hectares and geographically less challenging environment provide an ideal place for avian species searching for conducive homes away from the challenges of seasonal transition. Birds from the remotest corners of the world such as Siberia, Mongolia, and the Tibetan plateau come to Bangladesh every year to enjoy the country’s temperate winter.

Country’s resident and migratory birds played a significant role to maintain balance in the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem. Moreover, the arrivals of migratory birds in flyway network sites help to flourish the country’s tourism sector every year. To know and manage the sites in an effective way, in 2020 a booklet titled “Migratory Birds in Bangladesh and East Asian-Australasian Flyway Network Sites” is published. This booklet is written by Md. Golam Rabbi and Fa-Tu-Zo Khaleque Mila from the Bangladesh Forest Department as well as Ebtisamul Zannat Mim from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh; which is published with the funding support from Wildlife and Nature Conservation Circle, Bangladesh Forest Department.

Bangladesh is located in the path of two flyways East Asian–Australasian Flyway (EAAFP) and Central Asian Flyway (CAF). Bangladesh has been an EAAFP Partner since 2010. It now has six Flyway Network Sites. Though various types of research activities including bird census, ringing and satellite tagging have been conducted in Bangladesh, no publication has been done yet compiling all the information of six Flyway Network Sites, such as geographic location, the overall status of biodiversity and global importance of the sites, the status of Red list of Bangladesh-2015 and global Red List status of regular migrator and rare migratory birds, major threats of the sites, etc. However, this booklet is published focusing on all of the above-mentioned issues in Bengali. Forest officials/managers, researchers, environmentalists, tourists and students of the country will find this booklet helpful as it provides updated information on the flyway network sites and primary threats of the sites which lead them to initiate the necessary conservation steps saving the sites and site’s biodiversity.

Download the booklet [here].

For more information in Flyway Network Site in Bangladesh:

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