Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day 2013

World Migratory Bird Day poster © EAAFP

World Migratory Bird Day poster © EAAFP

Starting in 2006, the second weekend of May is celebrated as World Migratory Bird Day around the world. It is an opportunity for people to take action and organise public events such as bird festivals, education programmes and birdwatching excursions. WMBD 2013 is the biggest and most widely celebrated global day for positive action for the conservation of migratory birds. This year’s theme – Networking for migratory birds – highlights the importance of networks of sites for migratory birds along their migration routes. The EAAFP Secretariat encourage our partners along the 22 countries, the international community – governments, conservation organizations and dedicated people alike – to work together to conserve migratory birds around the world. Visit EAAFP WMBD website

The 2013 World Migratory Bird Day Poster highlights a few of the thousands of sites important for bird migration. Migratory birds travel huge distances along their migration routes, sometimes tens of thousands of kilometres. These connected sites act like ‘stepping stones’ and are used by birds to migrate. They are important for resting, feeding, breeding and wintering. Download WMBD logo, posters, videos, statements of EAAFP Chief Executive and other materials to promote your activity. http://www.eaaflyway.net/wmbd-press.php

We welcome you to share your activity and join the global celebration of WMBD. The deadline for receiving activity reports is 31st May 2013. There is no special form. For specific queries related to WMBD, contact: wmbd@eaaflyway.net

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