Wirld Migratory Bird Day 2017 – Jakarta

WMBD2017 - Jakarta

Event Name: World Migratory Bird Day 2017 – Jakarta

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta (UIN), Indonesia University (UI), National Jakarta (UNAS), Jakarta State University (UNJ), Burung Nusantara, East Asian Australasia Flyway Partnership

Number of Participants:
Birdwatching in Ragunan zoo: 25 birdwatchers from Jakarta

Seminar in Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta (UIN): 70 people from students, the public, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry staff, and birdwatchers.

WMBD activities in Jakarta included bird watching, environmental education to high schools, and seminars. Bird watching was done at Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta. At the time of bird observation, participants consisted of 25 people from universities in Jakarta, Bekasi, and Depok. They invited the people in the zoo to observe birds and provided guidance on the importance of protecting the birds present in the wild.

The seminar was held in Tangerang at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta (UIN). This activity saw cooperation between three campuses in Jakarta: Indonesia University (UI), National Jakarta (UNAS), Jakarta State University (UNJ) and Burung Nusantara. Activities consisted of a presentation about raptor migration and their conservation by Zaini Rakhman from Raptor Indonesia, followed by Ragil Satriyo from Wetlands International-Indonesia about the cross-border agreement mechanism in bird migration and the third speaker, Khaleb Yordan from Jakarta Birder, spoke about migratory birds and ecotourism activities. Participants in attendance consisted of about 70 people of various backgrounds, including students, researchers, bird watchers, and government officials.

The outcome of this activity was that participants could always perform monitoring and protect bird migration through survey and ecotourism. The general public can help to protect bird migration in Indonesia through citizen science and collaboration with researchers and government.


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