• EAAFP virtual engagement in IUCN World Conservation Congress

    Every four years, IUCN holds the World Conservation Congress…

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  • Official Launching of Regional Flyway Initiative

    On 14th October, The East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP), in cooperation with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and BirdLife International today launched the Regional Flyway Initiative (RFI), a long-term…

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  • West/Yellow Sea Webinar – “Development of a Joint Inventory of the Status of Migratory Birds in the West/Yellow Sea”

    The EAAFP Secretariat, together with IUCN, Ramsar Regional Center – East Asia are hosting a webinar on the “Development of a Joint Inventory of the Status of Migratory Birds in the West/Yellow Sea” on 27 May at 2:30pm - 6pm (KST) to share views on the key species, population trends and habitats in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, with particular focus on the West/Yellow Sea region and discuss future collaboration. National Partners and acknowledgeable scholars will present and discuss on the topic. Title: Development of a Joint Inventory of the Status of Migratory Birds in the West/Yellow Sea Date: 14:30 – 18:00, 27 May 2021 (Thursday, KST) Organizers: EAAFP Secretariat, IUCN Asia Office, RRC-EA (Secretariat of the Working Group on the Conservation of the West/Yellow/West Sea Intertidal and Associated Coastal Wetlands) Sponsors: World Heritage Promotion Team of Korean Tidal Flats, Hanns Seidel Foundation Participants: EAAF Countries partners, Representatives from the Ministries of ROK, DPRK and PRC, IUCN, EAAFP, RRC-EA, International Organizations, Researchers, Experts and local NGO Meeting Platform: Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqc-Gupj0rHte5LwCPn5COTt-nRVg5A_ti Moderator: Ms. Hyeseon Do, Programme Officer, EAAFP Secretariat Program/Timetable Key Note Speaker: Title:  Prof. Richard Fuller Prof. Richard Fuller is a Professor at the University of Queensland. He studies how people have affected the natural world around them, and how some of our destructive effects can best be reversed. To answer these questions, the lab group works on pure and applied topics in biodiversity and conservation, spanning the fields of migration ecology, conservation planning and urban ecology. Much of their work is interdisciplinary, focusing on the interactions between people and nature, how these can be enhanced, and how these relationships can be shaped to converge on coherent solutions to the biodiversity crisis. They have devoted much of the last 10 years to understanding why East Asian-Australasian migratory shorebirds have declined so rapidly and what can be done to reverse those declines.  

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  • HSF attends 6th Rason International Trade Exhibition in DPRK

    EAAFP Partner Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea (HSF Korea) attended the 6th Rason International Trade Exhibition in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), 8-11 August 2016. The DPRK has many important…

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  • World Migratory Bird Day: protecting migratory birds in DPRK – National Workshop conducted

    Felix Glenk, Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea Migratory birds don’t know borders. Worldwide, huge migratory bird movements take place each year in the spring and autumn season on…

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  • The incredible godwit migration

    By Bruce McKinlay | Technical Advisor, Ecosystems and Species Department of Conservation – New Zealand

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  • Transfer of Russian and DPRK sites to the Flyway Site Network now confirmed

    During the Fifth Meeting of Partners (MoP5) of the Flyway Partnership, the formal transfer of ten Russian network sites to the present Flyway Site Network from the old (Crane,…

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