North-East Asian Young Conservation Leadership Programme (NEA-YCLP) 2015


The on-going NEASPEC Nature Conservation Project focusing on habitat rehabilitation and conservation for key migratory birds in North-East Asia, works for key habitats in five North-East Asian countries of Black-faced Spoonbills, Hooded Cranes and White-naped Cranes. As part of this Project, the North-East Asian Young Conservation Leadership Programme (NEA-YCLP 2015), targeting young career leaders working for migratory birds and their habitats in the region, will be taking place between 17th and 21st May in Korea. The Programme will gather national young students and practitioners from North-East Asia and International and national experts as trainers of the Programme. The 5-day Programme will involve conservation history and challenges in North-East Asia; multi-layered and multi-lateral governance for conservation of migratory birds and their habitats; integrated ecosystem-based approach to protect habitats; biotope survey, habitat mapping and better land use; sustainable development for local community; conservation and management of boarder area, and; communication and education skills for conservation.

The programme details are available here.

Contact: Ka Seen (Gabrielle) CHAN (Ms.), ESCAP-ENEA, E-mail:


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