Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of Government of Korea hosting the EAAFP Secretariat

Today, 10th May, 2019,  marks the 10th anniversary of the Government of Korea hosting the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) Secretariat in Songdo, the Republic of Korea. It is also the beginning of another 5 years of collaboration to conserve migratory waterbirds and wetlands in the East Asian-Australasia region, as new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) among the Ministry of Environment, Incheon Metropolitan City and EAAFP was signed. Together with the 10th anniversary events, over 200 participants from EAAFP Partners, the diplomatic community, Korean government agencies and local civil society organizations also celebrated the World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD).

Group Photo of celebration of 10th Anniversary of Korea hosting the EAAFP Secretariat (©EAAFP Secretariat)

Signing of MOU between EAAFP and Ministry of Environment Korea,  Incheon Metropolitan City (©EAAFP Secretariat)

In her opening remarks, Ms. Martha Rojas-Urrego, the Secretary General of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands said “EAAFP, as one of 19 Ramsar Regional Initiatives, has been particularly active in enhancing implementation of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands as a platform where Contracting Parties can dialogue, cooperate and collaborate to more effectively manage wetlands as Flyway Network Sites. This has been achieved through increasing awareness, understanding and action to conserve wetlands and migratory birds by promoting wise-use to support local livelihoods.”

Congratulatory  speech by Ms. Martha Rojas-Urrego, the Secretary General of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (©EAAFP Secretariat)

Mr. Pete Probasco, Chair of EAAFP, “In the last 10 years, we have had many challenges, significant successes, and occasional setbacks, but looking back EAAFP has achieved a great deal in such a short time. The EAAFP has proved an excellent platform to strengthen this network for more effective actions to protect our shared natural heritage.”

Congratulatory speech by Mr. Pete Probasco, Chair of EAAFP (©EAAFP Secretariat)

Mr. Cho Myung-rae, Minister of Environment Korea, expressed that “We would like to increase international cooperation for birds that know no international boundaries. For wetlands conservation, the Ministry of Environment will continue to designate protected area, and the restoration projects for degraded wetlands will be escalated in phases. In addition, international cooperation will be further strengthened by listing at least two Ramsar wetlands every year.”

Congratulatory speech by Mr. Cho Myung-rae, Minister of Environment Korea (©EAAFP Secretariat)

Mr. Park Nam-choon, Mayor of Incheon Metropolitan City promised that “Going forward, Incheon will remain committed to offering ongoing cooperation and support to the EAAFP Secretariat so as to protect and conserve our valuable natural assets and become an ecologically sustainable city. We also plan to expand the our work on the conservation of migratory waterbirds.”

Congratulatory speech by Mr. Nam-choon, Mayor of Incheon Metropolitan City (©EAAFP Secretariat)


During the ceremony, two new EAAFP Flyway Network Sites from the Republic of Korea were designated – Incheon Songdo Tidal Flat (EAAF 145) and Janghang Wetland (EAAF 143). An award ceremony honored individuals who have made significant achievements for the conservation of migratory waterbirds and their habitats in Korea.

Presentation of the certificate of new EAAF Flyway Network Site – Incheon Songdo Tidal Flat (©EAAFP Secretariat)

Presentation of the certificate of new EAAF Flyway Network Site – Janghang Wetland  (©EAAFP Secretariat)

Prof. Lei Guangchun, Head of EAAFP Science Unit, gave a presentation on the past 10 years and future of EAAFP  (©EAAFP Secretariat)

Following the 10th anniversary ceremony, the Secretariat hosted a Conference on the conservation of migratory waterbirds and their habitats in the Flyway. Representatives from the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, Green Climate Fund (GCF), Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) discussed the conservation of wetlands in the context of sustainable development, climate change and urban development. Partners of EAAFP shared case studies from Alaska, Korea, China and Australia on linking wetland conservation with local people. The last session addressed the theme of the 2019 World Migratory Bird Day – Protect Birds: Be the Solution to Plastic Pollution! – and identified ways to tackle the problem of plastic pollution on wetlands and migratory waterbirds.

For more details of the programme, please visit www.eaaflyway.net/about-us/the-partnership/eaafp-secretariat-10th-anniversary/

(Korean version)

동아시아대양주 철새이동경로 사무국10주년 기념행사

동아시아대양주 철새이동경로, 사람과 철새를 잇다.


2019년 5월 10일, 인천송도에서 동아시아-대양주 철새이동경로 파트너십 (East-Australasian Flyway Partnership, 이하 EAAFP) 사무국의 창립 10주년 기념식이 개최되었다. ‘2019세계철새의날’ 행사와 함께 개최된 기념식에는 EAAFP 파트너들과 대사관, 국제기구, 정부기관 및 시민단체 등을 대표하는 약 200명이 국내외에서 참석하였으며, 기념식에서는 환경부, 인천광역시, EAAFP는 동아시아 대양주 지역의 습지와 이동성 물새 보전을 위하여 EAAFP 사무국의 운영을 지원하는 양해각서를 5년간 연장하는 내용에 서명하였다.

EAAFP 10주년 기념식 축사로 람사르 습지 협약(Ramsar Wetland Convention)의 마르타 로하스 우레고(Martha Rojas-Urrego) 사무총장은 람사르 지역 이니셔티브(Ramsar Regional Initiatives)인 EAAFP는 철새이동경로 내의 효과적인 관리 정책으로 습지에 관한 이동성 물새와 서식지 보전에 대한 대중의 인식 제고 및 지역 주민을 위한 현명한 습지 이용을 이끌어가고 있다고 말했으며,

EAAFP 의장인 피트 프로바스코(Pete Probasco)는 자발적인 파트너십 기구인 EAAFP는 지난 10년간, 철새이동경로 네트워크를 견고히 할 수  있는 훌륭한 창구로서  자연유산에 대해 공동의 보전 활동을 펼칠 수 있음을 보여줬다고 말했다.

환경부 조명래 장관은 축사에서 철새들의 대표적인 터전인 습지에 대한 보전 노력을 강화하고 매년 2개소 이상을 람사르 습지로 등록하여 습지 보전 관련 국제적 교류 협력을 확대할 계획임을 밝혔으며 EAAFP는 동아시아-대양주 이동성 철새의 보전을 위해 귀중한 협력체계로서 한국은 그 파트너로서 또한 사무국 유치국으로서 EAAFP의 성공적인 보전 노력에 동참할 것이라고 밝혔다.

박남춘 인천시장은 환영사로서 EAAFP사무국의 10주년을 축하하며, 앞으로의 지속적인 협력과 저어새의 고향인 인천송도갯벌 등 자연자산을 현명하게 이용하며 조류대체서식지 조성 및 해안생태축 연결을 통한 생태적으로 지속가능한 도시조성을 위해 노력하겠다고 말했다.

기념식에서는 EAAFP의 인천 송도 습지(EAAF145)와 장항습지(EAAF143)가 새로운 동아시아-대양주 철새이동경로 네트워크 사이트로 등재되었으며 고양시장과 연수구청장이 인증서를 받았다.

10주년 기념식에 이어 EAAFP 사무국은 철새이동경로 내의 이동성 물새와 그들의 서식지 보전에 대한 논의를 위한 컨퍼런스와 2019세계철새의날’ 주제인 ‘플라스틱 오염으로부터 철새를 지켜주세요! (Protect Birds: Be the Solution to Plastic Pollution!)를 주제로한 특별세션이 열렸다.

For more details of the programme, please visit www.eaaflyway.net/about-us/the-partnership/eaafp-secretariat-10th-anniversary/

보다 상세한 일정은 link 에서 참고할 수 있다.

List of Media exposure of local press 언론사 발행 목록

Date Name of press Link
2019.05.09 매일경제 https://www.mk.co.kr/news/culture/view/2019/05/307763/
2019.05.09 오가닉라이프신문 http://www.iloveorganic.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=223303
2019.05.10 신문고뉴스 http://www.shinmoongo.net/127136
2019.05.10 JMB 방송 http://www.jmbc.tv/20185
2019.05.10 연합뉴스 https://m.yna.co.kr/amp/view/AKR20190510135800060
2019.05.10 아유경제 http://www.areyou.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=44345
2019.05.10 인천뉴스 http://www.incheonnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=116889
2019.05.10 전남인터넷신문 http://www.jnnews.co.kr/news/view.php?idx=253427
2019.05.10 경제투데이 http://www.et114.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=220979
2019.05.10 경인일보 http://www.kyeongin.com/main/view.php?key=20190509010003766
2019.05.10 환경교육뉴스 http://www.newsee21.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=2681
2019.05.10 KBS World Radio http://world.kbs.co.kr/service/news_view.htm?lang=k&Seq_Code=327703
2019.05.10 뉴스웍스 http://www.newsworks.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=358773
2019.05.10 이데일리 http://www.edaily.co.kr/news/read?newsId=03427606622487608&mediaCodeNo=257
2019.05.10 DIODEO http://www.diodeo.com/news/view/3450674
2019.05.10 에코타임스 http://www.ecotiger.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=26728
2019.05.10 OBS NEWS http://www.obsnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=1156918
2019.05.10 국토매일 http://m.pmnews.co.kr/81875
2019.05.10 동양뉴스통신 http://www.dynews1.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=465239
2019.05.10 KSP News http://www.kspnews.com/166952
2019.05.10 일간경인 http://m.gmtoday.co.kr/22913
2019.05.10 그린포스트코리아 http://www.greenpostkorea.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=104023
2019.05.10 Tour Times http://www.tourtimes.net/91989
2019.05.10 KBS NEWS http://news.kbs.co.kr/news/view.do?ncd=4198440
2019.05.10 PEDIEN http://www.pedien.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=466375
2019.05.10 NEWSIS http://www.newsis.com/view/?id=NISX20190510_0000646936
2019.05.10 오늘뉴스 http://www.onulnews.com/49069
2019.05.10 일간투데이 http://www.dtoday.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=309080
2019.05.10 브릿지경제 http://www.viva100.com/main/view.php?key=20190510010003081
2019.05.10 내외뉴스통신 http://www.nbnnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=266765
2019.05.10 환경데일리 http://www.ecoday.kr/news/newsview.php?ncode=1065592368422320
2019.05.10 정필 http://www.jeongpil.com/62688
2019.05.10 경인방송 http://www.ifm.kr/post/247743
2019.05.11 Money S http://moneys.mt.co.kr/news/mwView.php?no=2019051023468022435&code=w1603
2019.05.11 데일리투데이 http://www.dailytoday.co.kr/news/view.php?idx=24683
2019.05.11 YTN https://www.ytn.co.kr/_ln/0115_201905110225305195
2019.05.12 경기일보 https://www.kyeonggi.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=2098664
2019.05.12 한국뉴스 http://www.24news.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=155404
2019.05.12 중도일보 http://www.joongdo.co.kr/main/view.php?key=20190512010004060
2019.05.12 우리문화신문 http://www.koya-culture.com/news/article.html?no=118395
2019.05.12 세계타임스 http://www.thesegye.com/news/newsview.php?ncode=1065586675644508
2019.05.12 중부일보 http://www.joongboo.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=1350814
2019.05.12 현대일보 http://www.hyundaiilbo.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=434179
2019.05.12 중앙신문 http://www.joongang.tv/news/articleView.html?idxno=19854
2019.05.20~23 기호일보 Press

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