National Governments

Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China (Mainland, Hong Kong), DPR Korea, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, RO Korea, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, USA, Vietnam 

Inter-Governmental Organisations

ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity, Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna, Convention on Biological Diversity, Convention on Migratory Species, Food & Agriculture Organisations, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands 

International Organisation

International Private Enterprise

Rio Tinto 

Working Groups

Anatidae, Avian Influenza, Black-faced Spoonbill, CEPA (Communication, Education, Participation and Awareness), Crane, Seabird, Shorebird 

Task Forces

Amur-Heilong Basin, Baer's Pochard, Far Eastern Curlew, Monitoring of waterbird populations and sites, Scaly-sided Merganser, Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Yellow Sea Ecoregion, Illegal Hunting, Taking and Trade of Migratory Waterbirds, Dalmatian Pelican