Relevant Scientific Articles updated in May 2016

If you need full scientific articles, please contact Dr Judit Szabo, the science officer.

Roberts, B. E. I., W. E. Harris, G. M. Hilton, and S. J. Marsden. 2016. Taxonomic and Geographic Bias in Conservation Biology Research: A Systematic Review of Wildfowl Demography Studies. PLoS ONE 11:e0153908.

Simonsen, C. E., J. Madsen, I. M. Tombre, and J. Nabe-Nielsen. 2016. Is it worthwhile scaring geese to alleviate damage to crops? – An experimental study. Journal of Applied Ecology 53:916–924.

Ely, C. R., and B. W. Meixell. 2016. Demographic outcomes of diverse migration strategies assessed in a metapopulation of tundra swans. Movement Ecology 4:10.

Shao, M., B. Chen, P. Cui, N. Dai, and H. Chen. 2016. Sex Ratios and Age Structure of Several Waterfowl Species Wintering at Poyang Lake, China. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 48:839-844.

Adam, M., M. Podhrázský, and P. Musil. 2016. Effect of start of hunting season on behaviour of Greylag Geese Anser anser. Ardea 104:63-68.

Bahl, J., T. T. Pham, N. J. Hill, I. T. M. Hussein, E. J. Ma, B. C. Easterday, R. A. Halpin, T. B. Stockwell, D. E. Wentworth, G. Kayali, S. Krauss, S. Schultz-Cherry, R. G. Webster, R. J. Webby, M. D. Swartz, G. J. D. Smith, and J. A. Runstadler. 2016. Ecosystem Interactions Underlie the Spread of Avian Influenza A Viruses with Pandemic Potential. PLoS Pathogens 12:e1005620.

Bauer, S., S. Lisovski, and S. Hahn. 2016. Timing is crucial for consequences of migratory connectivity. Oikos 125:605–612.

Sarkki, S., J. Niemelä, R. Tinch, J.-P. Jäppinen, M. Nummelin, H. Toivonen, and M. Von Weissenberg. 2016. Are national biodiversity strategies and action plans appropriate for building responsibilities for mainstreaming biodiversity across policy sectors? The case of Finland. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 59:1377-1396.

Maftei, M., S. E. Davis, and M. L. Mallory. 2015. Assessing regional populations of ground-nesting marine birds in the Canadian High Arctic. Polar Research 34:25055.

Weiser, E. L., R. B. Lanctot, S. C. Brown, J. A. Alves, P. F. Battley, R. Bentzen, J. Bêty, M. A. Bishop, M. Boldenow, L. Bollache, B. Casler, M. Christie, J. T. Coleman, J. R. Conklin, W. B. English, R. Gates, O. Gilg, M.-A. Giroux, K. Gosbell, C. Hassell, J. Helmericks, A. Johnson, B. Katrínardóttir, K. Koivula, E. Kwon, J.-F. Lamarre, J. Lang, D. B. Lank, N. Lecomte, J. Liebezeit, V. Loverti, L. McKinnon, C. D. T. Minton, D. S. Mizrahi, E. Nol, V.-M. Pakanen, J. Perz, R. Porter, J. Rausch, J. Reneerkens, N. Rönkä, S. T. Saalfeld, N. R. Senner, B. Sittler, P. A. Smith, K. M. Sowl, A. Taylor, D. H. Ward, S. Yezerinac, and B. K. Sandercock. 2016. Effects of geolocators on hatching success, return rates, breeding movements, and change in body mass in 16 species of Arctic-breeding shorebirds. Movement Ecology 4:12.

Zack, S., and J. Liebezeit. 2012. Arctic shorebirds: Conservation of a moving target in changing times. Pages 204-225. in J. F. Brodie, E. S. Post, and D. F. Doak, editors. Wildlife Conservation in a Changing Climate. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Aharon-Rotman, Y., S. Bauer, and M. Klaassen. 2016. A chain is as strong as its weakest link: assessing the consequences of habitat loss and degradation in a long-distance migratory shorebird. Emu 116:199–207.

Choi, C.-Y., K. G. Rogers, X. Gan, R. S. Clemens, Q.-Q. Bai, A. Lilleyman, A. Lindsey, D. A. Milton, P. Straw, Y.-t. Yu, P. F. Battley, R. A. Fuller, and D. I. Rogers. 2016. Phenology of southward migration of shorebirds in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway and inferences about stopover strategies. Emu 116:178–189.

Clemens, R. S., D. I. Rogers, B. D. Hansen, K. Gosbell, C. D. T. Minton, P. Straw, M. Bamford, E. J. Woehler, D. A. Milton, M. A. Weston, B. Venables, D. Weller, C. Hassell, W. Rutherford, K. Onton, A. Herrod, C. E. Studds, C.-Y. Choi, K. L. Dhanjal-Adams, G. A. Skilleter, and R. A. Fuller. 2016. Continental-scale decreases in shorebird populations in Australia. Emu 116:119–135.

Conklin, J. R., T. Lok, D. S. Melville, A. C. Riegen, R. Schuckard, T. Piersma, and P. F. Battley. 2016. Declining adult survival of New Zealand Bar-tailed Godwits during 2005–2012 despite apparent population stability. Emu 116:147–157.

Dhanjal-Adams, K. L., J. O. Hanson, N. J. Murray, S. R. Phinn, V. R. Wingate, K. Mustin, J. R. Lee, J. R. Allan, J. L. Cappadonna, C. E. Studds, R. S. Clemens, C. M. Roelfsema, and R. A. Fuller. 2016. The distribution and protection of intertidal habitats in Australia. Emu 116:208–214.

Lilleyman, A., D. C. Franklin, J. K. Szabo, and M. J. Lawes. 2016. Behavioural responses of migratory shorebirds to natural and anthropogenic disturbances at a high-tide roost. Emu 116:111–118.

Lisovski, S., K. Gosbell, M. Christie, B. J. Hoye, M. Klaassen, I. D. Stewart, A. J. Taysom, and C. D. T. Minton. 2016. Movement patterns of Sanderling (Calidris alba) in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway and a comparison of methods for identification of crucial areas for conservation. Emu 116:168–177.

Melville, D. S., Y. Chen, and Z. Ma. 2016. Shorebirds along China’s Yellow Sea coast face an uncertain future – a review of threats. Emu 116:100–110.

Moores, N., D. I. Rogers, K. G. Rogers, and P. M. Hansbro. 2016. Tidal-flat Reclamation and Shorebird Declines in Saemangeum and the Republic of Korea. Emu 116:136–146.

Szabo, J. K., C.-Y. Choi, R. S. Clemens, and B. D. Hansen. 2016. Conservation without borders – solutions to address migratory shorebird declines in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. Emu 116:215–221.

Szabo, J. K., P. F. Battley, K. L. Buchanan, and D. I. Rogers. 2016. What does the future hold for shorebirds in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway? Emu 116:95–99.

Verhoeven, M. A., J. van Eerbeek, C. Hassell, and T. Piersma. 2016. Fuelling and moult in Red Knots before northward departure: a visual evaluation of differences between ages, sexes and subspecific morphs. Emu 116:158-167.

Cunningham, J. A., D. C. Kesler, and R. B. Lanctot. 2016. Habitat and social factors influence nest-site selection in Arctic-breeding shorebirds. Auk 133:364–377.

Loonstra, A. H. J., T. Piersma, and J. Reneerkens. 2016. Staging Duration and Passage Population Size of Sanderlings in the Western Dutch Wadden Sea. Ardea 104:49-61.

Beauchamp, G. 2016. Function and structure of vigilance in a gregarious species exposed to threats from predators and conspecifics. Animal Behaviour 116:195-201.

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