Relevant Scientific Articles updated in February 2016

If you need full scientific articles, please contact Dr Judit Szabo, the science officer.

Chen W, Doko T, Fujita G, Hijikata N, Tokita K-i, Uchida K, Konishi K, Hiraoka E, Higuchi H (2016) Migration of Tundra Swans (Cygnus columbianus) Wintering in Japan Using Satellite Tracking: Identification of the Eastern Palearctic Flyway. Zoological Science 33:63–72.

Shimada T, Hijikata N, Tokita K-i, Uchida K, Kurechi M, Suginome H, Yamada Y, Higuchi H (2016) Satellite-tracking of the spring migration and habitat use of the Brent Goose Branta bernicla in Japan. Ornithological Science 15:37-45.

Ferenczi M, Beckmann C, Warner S, Loyn RH, O’Riley K, Wang X, Klaassen M (2016) Avian influenza infection dynamics under variable climatic conditions, viral prevalence is rainfall driven in waterfowl from temperate, south?east Australia. Veterinary Research 47:23.

Bengtsson D, Safi K, Avril A, Fiedler W, Wikelski M, Gunnarsson G, Elmberg J, Tolf C, Olsen B, Waldenström J (2016) Does influenza A virus infection affect movement behaviour during stopover in its wild reservoir host? Royal Society Open Science 3:150633.

Wang H, Zhang Z, Chen Z, Zhang Y, Lv Q, An X, Tong Y, Carr MJ, Sun S, Shi W (2016) High genetic diversity and frequent genetic reassortment of avian influenza A(H9N2) viruses along the East Asian–Australian migratory flyway. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 39:325–329.

Dallimer M, Strange N (2015) Why socio-political borders and boundaries matter in conservation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 30 (3):132-139.

Jiang F, Qia S, Liao F, Ding M, Wang Y (2014) Vulnerability of Siberian crane habitat to water level in Poyang Lake wetland, China. GIScience & Remote Sensing 51 (6):662-676.

Jiao S, Zeng Q, Sun G, Lei G (2016) Improving Conservation of Cranes by Modeling Potential Wintering Distributions in China. Journal of Resources and Ecology 7 (1):44-50.

Zheng M, Zhou L, Zhao N, Xu W (2015) Effects of variation in food resources on foraging habitat use by wintering Hooded Cranes (Grus monacha). Avian Research 6:11.

Lu Q, Kang L, Shao H, Zhao Z, Chen Q, Bi X, Shi P (2016) Investigating marsh sediment dynamics and its driving factors in Yellow River delta for wetland restoration. Ecological Engineering 90:307–313.

Zhang B, Yin L, Zhang S, Liang K (2015) Estimation on wetland loss and its restoration potential in Modern Yellow River Delta, Shandong Province of China. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 13 (4):365-372.

Casazza ML, Overton CT, Bui T-VD, Hull JM, Albertson JD, Bloom VK, Bobzien S, McBroom J, Latta M, Olofson P, Rohmer TM, Schwarzbach S, Strong DR, Grijalva E, Wood JK, Skalos SM, Takekawa JY (2016) Endangered species management and ecosystem restoration: finding the common ground. Ecology and Society 21 (1):19.

?mihorski M, Pärt T, Gustafsson T, Berg A (2016) Effects of water level and grassland management on alpha and beta diversity of birds in restored wetlands. Journal of Applied Ecology 53:587–595.

Zhang C, Yuan Y, Zeng G, Liang J, Guo S, Huang L, Hua S, Wu H, Zhu Y, An H, Zhang L (2016) Influence of hydrological regime and climatic factor on waterbird abundance in Dongting Lake Wetland, China: Implications for biological conservation. Ecological Engineering 90:473–481.

Liu C-Y, Jiang H-X, Zhang S-q, Li C-r, Pan X, Lu J, Hou Y-Q (2016) Expansion and Management Implications of Invasive Alien Spartina alterniflora in Yancheng Salt Marshes, China. Open Journal of Ecology 6:113-128.

Vincze O, Vagasi C, Pap PL, Osvath G, Møller AP (2015) Brain regions associated with visual cues are important for bird migration. Biological Letters 11:20150678.

Winkler DW, Jørgensen C, Both C, Houston AI, McNamara JM, Levey DJ, Partecke J, Fudickar A, Kacelnik A, Roshier D, Piersma T (2014) Cues, strategies, and outcomes: how migrating vertebrates track environmental change. Movement Ecology 2:10.

Meller K, Vähätalo AV, Hokkanen T, Rintala J, Piha M, Lehikoinen A (2016) Interannual variation and long-term trends in proportions of resident individuals in partially migratory birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 85:570–580.

Lu Q, Li S, Tao X (2015) Baer’s Pochard Aythya baeri: breeding in central Yangtze region, China. BirdingASIA 24:84–86.

Hearn RD (2015) The troubled Baer’s Pochard Aythya baeri: cause for a little optimism? BirdingASIA 24:78–83.

Dellas E, Pattberg P (2013) Assessing the political feasibility of global options to reduce biodiversity loss. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 9 (4):347-363.

McBeath J, McBeath JH (2006) Biodiversity Conservation in China: Policies and Practice. Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy 9 (4):293-317.

Yamaguchi NM, Iida T, Nakamura Y, Okabe H, Oue K, Yamamoto T, Higuchi H (2016) Seasonal Movements of Japanese Murrelets Revealed by Geolocators. Ornithological Science 15 (1):47-54.

Gerwing TG, Kim J-H, Hamilton DJ, Barbeau MA, Addison JA (2016) Diet reconstruction using next-generation sequencing increases the known ecosystem usage by a shorebird. The Auk 133 (2):168-177.

Piersma T, Lok T, Chen Y, Hassell CJ, Yang H-Y, Boyle A, Slaymaker M, Chan Y-C, Melville DS, Zhang Z-W, Ma Z (2016) Simultaneous declines in summer survival of three shorebird species signals a flyway at risk. Journal of Applied Ecology 53:479–490.

Martins RC, Catry T, Rebelo R, Pardal S, Palmeirim JM, Granadeiro JP (2016) Contrasting estuary-scale distribution of wintering and migrating waders: the potential role of fear. Hydrobiologia 768:211–222.


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