Martin Spray, Chief Executive of WWT retired

On 11 May 2020, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT), Partner of EAAFP, announced that WWT’s Chief Executive Mr. Martin Spray has retired from his role, completing a 32-year career in the conservation sector.

Mr. Spray joined WWT in 2004, following the recent opening of London Wetland Centre. Internationally, Mr. Spray’s has also contributed to the implementation of the Ramsar Convention, the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) and numerous other bodies, putting WWT on the world wetland map, solidifying WWT’s reputation as a conservation heavyweight across Asia, where their work to save wetlands and wetland species continues.

With EAAFP, Mr. Spray has chaired the Strategic Plan Task Force, Finance Sub-Committee and been an active member of Management Committee. His leadership and long-time senior experience in INGOs has made enormous contribution to the Partnership. In 2018 and 2019 Mr. Spray led the process of developing the EAAFP Strategic Plan 2019-2028 and EAAFP Resourcing Plan, contributing to strengthening the sustainable operations of the Partnership to achieve the conservation of migratory waterbirds and their habitats in EAA Flyway. He visited the EAAFP Secretariat in Korea several times to encourage staff members and promoted the values of the EAAFP within the conservation community in the Republic of Korea.

Even though he is retired, Mr. Spray remains keen to continue supporting the EAAFP. He will continue as the Chair of the EAAFP Finance Sub-Committee and Chair of the Strategic Plan Task Force and play a role in the Management Committee representing WWT until the end of EAAFP MoP11. EAAFP Secretariat appreciates his ongoing support to the Partnership and we are honored to have his ongoing support in the near future.


EAAFP Secretariat 10th Anniversary in Songdo, Republic of Korea (May 2019)


Read more about Mr. Martin Spray’s work, please click [here] to WWT’s webpage.



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